Oolong Tea - The Weight Loss Tea

What Makes a Tea an Oolong Tea?

There are 3 main distinct types of tea which can be commonly categorized as follows:

Oolong Tea - The Weight Loss Tea

a) Green Tea: is treated or boiled following picking to prevent the leaves from oxidizing and retaining their natural colour.

Oolong Tea - The Weight Loss Tea

b) Black Tea: is left to oxidize following picking, that's how it gets their distinctive colour.

c) Oolong Tea: the raw leaves are sun-wilted and then bruised, which exposes their juices to the air, so the leaves oxidise and start to turn brown like a cut fruit. They are allowed to oxidise only partially, giving them a rich, floral flavour. The tea is then dried fully; locking in the rich flavors that oolong tea is known to offer. Oolong's unique drying process creates a tea that has many metabolic stimulating attributes

Oolongs range from inspiring green and slightly fermented to dark-leafed and hearty. The greener varieties are less fermented. Oolong tea therefore comes in a wide range of tastes and aromas from teas very close in taste to green tea to those very close to black tea.

Oolong Tea - The Weight Loss Tea


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