The use of green tea for fat loss is not something new. Weight loss supplements commonly include green leaf tea as one of the main ingredients. What is it that makes using tea for fat loss honestly effective? Before we jump into that, here are some things you should know first.
Green leaf tea is tea made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. It originated from China, where it has been long recognized for its medicinal properties and have been used for treating some conditions like sick and depression.
How to Use Green Tea For Fat Loss and Slim Down Fast
It is also known for helping in the prevention of cancer, lowering blood cholesterol levels, protecting against cardiovascular diseases, fighting infection, controlling blood sugar levels, and boosting the immune system.
The condition benefits are believed to come from its high polyphenol content. Polyphenols are plant chemicals that have considerable antioxidant properties. Polyphenols in green tea are known as catechins. In green leaf tea, there are six basic catechin compounds, with Egcg being the most active composition and the most extensively studied.
It also contains alkaloids like caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine that are responsible for the stimulating effects of the tea. It also contains an amino acid composition called L-theanine, which has been studied for its value on producing a calming succeed on the nervous system.
When it comes to green tea for fat loss, green leaf tea extract has shown usefulness in boosting the body's metabolism and helps burn off fat. Some reckon that the value of green tea for fat loss is attributable to its caffeine content but assorted studies suggest that this might be due to other compound, specifically the catechins in green tea extract.
How to Use Green Tea For Fat Loss and Slim Down Fast