Weight Loss Drinks: Green Tea

There are a wide range of weight loss drinks: juices, white protein, yogurt based smoothies and green tea. Today, I'd like to tell you more about green tea.

It is assuredly a unique product that helps us to be salutary and live long. What is the advantage from drinking green tea?

Weight Loss Drinks: Green Tea

First, it helps to expand immunity, nervous system, and cardiovascular system: it activates the heart, prevents the narrowing of blood vessels and strengthening their walls, lowers blood pressure and accelerates the decomposition of cholesterol. Moreover, two cups of green tea a day reduces the risk of cancer!

Weight Loss Drinks: Green Tea

Second, this tea has antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory action. It can be used in the treatment of colitis, flu and food poisoning.

Third, green tea can sacrifice blood sugar levels, and this asset can be used to treat diabetes because its active ingredients stimulate the blood, helps with liver and pancreatic cancer, rheumatism, kidney stone disease.

Green tea also charges the body with energy, relieves depression, with the quarterly consumption of its acute vision, speeds up the process of thinking, enhanced capacity for long attention and stimulate creativity. In addition, green tea is perfectly quenches thirst, clears the body of toxins, thus, slowing the aging process.

This product contains indispensable oils, caffeine, protein, vitamins A, B, C, Pp, K, D, E and trace elements (iron salts, magnesium compounds, manganese, sodium, silicon, calcium, potassium, fluorine, etc.).

Green tea has become favorite now because of its ability to accelerate metabolism, urination of fat from the body and is determined the safest way to lose weight.

It is foremost to know that only fresh tea is useful, so you need to look at the production date. Do not buy tea flavors; it says the poor ability of the product.

When brewing tea, result these simple rules:

- green tea is brewed hot but not boiling water;
- filtered water is the best;
- take 2 teaspoons tea per 200 ml water;
- drink tea, brewed for the second water, while his insistence not to exceed 10 seconds. In this case, the tea leaves bloom like buds, giving the drink its full flavor and nutrients. In China, the tea brew made up to seven times.

Weight Loss Drinks: Green Tea


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